There are three parts to every sliding window problem:
- Operation for calculating the property of the window (sum, count of characters)
- Operation to make an invalid window valid again (move the start a bit to the right)
- Recording the best so far result of the property (shortest/longest window)
Template to use:
- Fixed length window Permutation in String
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- C++
for(int i = l1; i < l2; ++i){
freqMap[s2.charAt(i) - 'a']--;
freqMap[s2.charAt(i-l1) - 'a']++;
if(found(freqMap)) return true;
for (let i = l1; i < l2; ++i) {
freqMap[s2.charCodeAt(i) - "a".charCodeAt()]--;
freqMap[s2.charCodeAt(i - l1) - "a".charCodeAt()]++;
if (found(freqMap)) return true;
for i in range(l1, l2):
freqMap[ord(s2[i]) - ord('a')] -= 1
freqMap[ord(s2[i - l1]) - ord('a')] += 1
if found(freqMap):
return True
for (int i = l1; i < l2; ++i) {
freqMap[s2[i] - 'a']--;
freqMap[s2[i - l1] - 'a']++;
if (found(freqMap))
return true;
- Shortest window Minimum Size Subarray Sum - trying to make it invalid
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- C++
// useful for counting letters of interest
for(char c: t.toCharArray()) freqMap[c]++;
int start = 0, end = 0, cnt = l2;
while(end < l1){
if(freqMap[s.charAt(end++)]-- > 0) --cnt;
while(cnt == 0){
// record the better window if possible
if(freqMap[s.charAt(start++)]++ == 0) ++cnt;
for (let c of t) freqMap[c]++;
let start = 0,
end = 0,
cnt = l2;
while (end < l1) {
if (freqMap[s.charAt(end++)]-- > 0) --cnt;
while (cnt === 0) {
// record the better window if possible
if (freqMap[s.charAt(start++)]++ === 0) ++cnt;
for c in t:
freqMap[c] += 1
start = 0
end = 0
cnt = l2
while end < l1:
if freqMap[s[end]] > 0:
freqMap[s[end]] -= 1
cnt -= 1
end += 1
while cnt == 0:
# record the better window if possible
if freqMap[s[start]] == 0:
freqMap[s[start]] += 1
cnt += 1
start += 1
for (char c : t) freqMap[c]++;
int start = 0, end = 0, cnt = l2;
while (end < l1) {
if (freqMap[s[end++]]-- > 0) --cnt;
while (cnt == 0) {
// record the better window if possible
if (freqMap[s[start++]]++ == 0) ++cnt;
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- C++
while(j < nums.length){
windowSum += nums[j++]; // go to the right (move end to the right)
while(windowSum >= target){ // try shortening the window by moving the start of it until it become invalid
minLength = Math.min(minLength, j - i);
windowSum -= nums[i++];
while (j < nums.length) {
windowSum += nums[j++]; // go to the right (move end to the right)
while (windowSum >= target) {
// try shortening the window by moving the start of it until it becomes invalid
minLength = Math.min(minLength, j - i);
windowSum -= nums[i++];
while j < len(nums):
windowSum += nums[j] # go to the right (move end to the right)
j += 1
while windowSum >= target: # try shortening the window by moving the start of it until it becomes invalid
minLength = min(minLength, j - i)
windowSum -= nums[i]
i += 1
while (j < nums.size()) {
windowSum += nums[j++]; // go to the right (move end to the right)
while (windowSum >= target) { // try shortening the window by moving the start of it until it becomes invalid
minLength = min(minLength, j - i);
windowSum -= nums[i++];
- Longest window Fruit Into Baskets - fixing it once it becomes invalid
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- C++
while(j < fruits.length){
map.put(fruits[j], j);
while(map.size() > 2){ // invalid window, move the start further in array (shrink the window)
int minIndex = map.values().stream().min(Integer::compare).get(); // find the right index to remove the character from
i = minIndex + 1;
maxFruits = Math.max(maxFruits, j - i + 1); //record the result
++j; // keep going as far to right as possible (expanding the window)
while (j < fruits.length) {
map.set(fruits[j], j);
while (map.size > 2) {
// invalid window, move the start further in array (shrink the window)
let minIndex = Math.min(;
i = minIndex + 1;
maxFruits = Math.max(maxFruits, j - i + 1); // record the result
j++; // keep going as far to the right as possible (expanding the window)
while j < len(fruits):
map[fruits[j]] = j
while len(map) > 2:
# invalid window, move the start further in array (shrink the window)
min_index = min(map.values())
del map[fruits[min_index]]
i = min_index + 1
max_fruits = max(max_fruits, j - i + 1) # record the result
j += 1 # keep going as far to the right as possible (expanding the window)
while (j < fruits.length) {
map[fruits[j]] = j;
while (map.size() > 2) {
// invalid window, move the start further in array (shrink the window)
int minIndex = std::min_element(map.begin(), map.end(), [](const auto& a, const auto& b) {
return a.second < b.second;
i = minIndex + 1;
maxFruits = std::max(maxFruits, j - i + 1); // record the result
++j; // keep going as far to the right as possible (expanding the window)
Useful mapping for other types of problems containing a larger set of different characters:
for Letters 'a' - 'z' or 'A' - 'Z'int[128]
for ASCIIint[256]
for Extended ASCII
Calculation over all windows of size k Sliding Window Maximum